Saturday, January 23, 2021

The Aerie

The eagle eggs hatched and I spotted one eaglet. On a closer look, torn plastic sheets were visible inside the nest. Probably to camouflouge the hatchling which has white down feather.

Monday, January 4, 2021

Lock down Bird watching

The bane and boon of lock down during this pandemic are many. One of them is getting time for bird watching. The lock down seems to have unlocked lots of space for the birds to fly around unhindered. The trees behind our home are teeming with varieties of birds that we haven’t seen (or noticed) so far. It was really a pleasure watching them. I could even spot an eagle in its nest far away. 


Rufous treepie


Golden Oriole

Purple rumped sunbirds  

Purple Sun bird

Bee Eater



Woodpecker pecking the wood

blue fly catcher

And the most exciting of eagle in its nest on top of a tall tree far away!