Tuesday, August 20, 2013

You Make Me Cry


                                                Cannot think of a day without you,
                                                The flavor you add to my life,
                                                You pep up my days,
                                                Day by day you grew dear to me
                                               And anon! you became precious to me
                                               I dread the day I have to part with you
                                               My eyes well up on the thought,
                                              About that day without you,
                                              Onion, now you really make me cry!

This was written when onion price was shooting up and people were forced to use less of it.


Friday, July 12, 2013


Try running away from your fears
and you will find it along with you
stalking you all the way
Turn around and face it
You will not find a trace of it

Friday, May 31, 2013

My Colorful Town

Kottayam, the town which houses my beautiful village, was till recently famous as the land of lakes, letters and latex. It is also known as Akshara Nagari for its over 95% literacy. It has now another feather in its cap with the title Mural City and that is not without any reason. Majority of the walls of buildings, temples and churches are painted in different themes, by some 350 artists from India and abroad. The pictorial depiction of Noah's Ark on a church wall is considered to be the largest in the country!

Mural of Noah's Ark on a church wall
Thirunakkera Temple wall

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Summer Showers and After

Rain came as a comforter yesterday in this scorching summer. It was a relief to watch the wind and rain though at night it turned into a hailstorm. These are some of the pictures taken from the terrace during and after the rain. 

This was taken during heavy rain

 The wind swaying the leaves of the Gulmohar that overcame its travails and is surviving strongly

After the rain in the evening the sky looked dark with rain clouds. There was this beautiful sight of sunlight peeping from among the dark clouds.Very intriguing indeed!