Monday, October 29, 2012

Winged Flowers and Pachyderms

What do butterflies and elephants have in common now? They both are on the verge of being endangered species! A fact that hit me in two consecutive days recently.

Imagine a world without butterflies! It will be like a garden without flowers. An art work by a child on a used bottle pleading to save the butterflies from being extinct was really catching. Loss of habitat, apathy from people all contribute to its fast exit from this world. The butterfly sanctuaries that help preserve these tiny creatures cannot do much. Looks like the present generation will see butterflying (butterfly watching) turn into a thing of past in the near future.

The ivory bearer is another specie threatened with extinction. The October edition of this year's 'National Geographic' features a horrendous investigative report on elephant poaching. The picture of small tusks depicts the pinching fact that baby elephants are being slaughtered to make exotic curios. The heinous act, barred by law, persists. It is nature's balance of sustenance that is lost along with these perishing fauna.

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