Saturday, April 23, 2011

The ‘Secret’ Ingredient of Tasty Food

An animation movie for kids has a scene where a father reveals to his son the secret ingredient of a special dish. The father says ‘…the secret ingredient is nothing…… to make it special, you just have to believe it is special’.

Recently I was waiting with my family at a Pizzeria for our take away order when a person came in. He ordered his choice of pizza and finally added “brother, also add lots of love into it for the special taste”. The mood at the eating joint changed and many chuckled at the alacrity of the customer.  


Though hilarious, are'nt both of the facts universally true. Is it not the reason why most of us say that there is nothing like the food cooked by our mothers? We can feel the affection through the food. I use to think that my mother is the best cook. Now when my children compliment my cooking I realize that ‘mothers’ are the best cooks.

 Any work done with lots of interest gives the best result. Anyone with a passion for cooking can whips up tasty dishes, but the addition of the magical ingredient called love does wonders to the dish.

                                               A Happy Easter to all my readers!


  1. Yes, nothing to beat the taste of the food prepared by our mothers - may be because we are so used to that, right from the childhood. I have started the countdown to taste it once again.
    Good one, Sonia.

  2. It's so sweet of the guy to say so. Little acts of kindness, that cost us nothing, can bring a sudden rush of joy! Nice post Sonia :) btw, what's the food in the second photo called?

  3. Thank you Bindu and fruitforbidden. Some has the ability to spread cheer wherever they go. The food featured in the second snap is crab roast.
