Sao Jorge is an island belonging to Portugal ’s Azores Archipelago located in Atlantic Ocean . Azores is considered to be the best whale watching destination in the world. The islands of this Archipelago are supposed to be formed by volcanic activities. The Fajas of Sao Jorge are lava built plains where the towns are located. The picturesque Fajas of this island are core to its tourism. A nature park in Sao Jorge features an underground lake and a cave.
Sao Miguel, another of Azores Islands , known as ‘Green Island ’, has lots of unique natural wonders. The interiors of this island being occupied by craters and volcanoes, most of the towns are located near the coast. The most beautiful island of the entire Azores Archipelago, Sao Miguel has a village located inside a crater. Another amazing fact about this island is that it has underground ovens! People cook food in pits which are heated by underground volcanoes.
Gulf of Papagayo located in the Northwest Pacific Coast abounds in birds. The name itself means gulf of parrots. The Gulf is a part of the volcanic eruption built Papagayo Peninsula . A nature park in this place houses a volcano with steaming craters. This region is a great surfing destination.
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