Onam is celebrated in Kerala every year in Chingam the Malayalam month which falls in August-September. Kerala is abound in greenery and enjoys heavy rainfall most of the year. The story behind Onam is that: the land was once ruled by a just king Mahabali. It was a golden age for people and the Gods grew jealous of the king. They asked Vishnu, one of the Gods for help. Vishnu assumed the form of Vamana and approached Mahabali. He asked the king for three steps of land for him. Being very generous Mahabali agreed to give the land. Suddenly Vishnu grew in size and measured heaven and earth. For the third step the king offered himself and he was pushed down to pathala or netherworld. He made one request to Vishnu that he be allowed to visit his subjects every year and the request was granted. It is believed that Mahabali visits his land every year at this time.
Happy Onam!
Happy Onam!